San Diego Surf School SEO
The Goal
Summertime in San Diego, California brings an overwhelming wave of tourists and visitors. For San Diego Surf School, this brings a large wave of organic traffic and demand for their Surf Lessons. Our goal during Summer was to maximize the site’s performance for their business and protect rankings from aggressive competitors.
The Solution and Process
To maximize the website’s performance and protect rankings, we started an SEO campaign custom tailored to the summer season. First, we created a comparison analysis between their competitors and reviewed San Diego Surf’s performance the previous year. We used the information from our research to develop an intensive optimization strategy focused on driving traffic and converting users. With weekly meetings, we were closely tracking quarterly revenue goals.
The Results
During their peak season of April-August, we saw a 17% increase in their E-commerce Conversion Rate. San Diego Surf also had over 110 keywords ranking in positions 1-3 and had 80% more search visibility than their next closest competitor during that period.
17% Increase in Conversion Rate
113+ Top Page Rankings
80% difference in Search Visbility between San Diego Surf School and the closest competitor

What Are You Waiting For?