Plateau Pest Control

The Goal

After Plateau Pest Solutions was launched, we developed an SEO campaign that would help the site compete with their online competitors. Our main goal for the first phase of Plateau’s SEO campaign was to Increase Traffic to the site, focusing on Plateau’s competitive Local Market.

The Solution and Process


With our goal in mind, we set up a strategy that would make it a reality. To target the local market, we created landing pages tailored to their different service locations. We also prioritized on page optimization to drastically increase page ranking. Throughout the campaign, we monitor the site’s progress and make adjustments to our strategy as needed to ensure success.

The Results

Since the start of Plateau’s SEO Campaign, we have seen incredible growth. Some highlights from the campaign include a 98% Increase in Organic Users and a 311% increase in product page sessions. We expect to see more growth to come.

Organic Users +98%

Search Visibility +311%

Contact us to get started

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D+R has done a great job of helping our firm create and maintain our website.  They offer a level of personal and immediate customer service that's been incredibly helpful for a smaller firm such as ours.
Ryan McBrayer
Marketing Director | Stevens Cresto Engineering
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