Website Lead Generation

Published on
August 6, 2024

Website Lead Generation

If you're not receiving leads from your website, this article will provide a checklist of potential issues that may be hindering your website's ability to convert visitors into leads.

Issue 1: Individuals can’t find what they are looking for

A person visits a website to solve a problem. They need to quickly determine if the website can solve their problem. If they can't find a specific mention of their problem, they will leave the site.

Issue 2: The website focuses on you (the company) rather than them (the visitor)

A website is created to help a person solve a problem. When searching online, people only care about themselves and solving their problems. They are not interested in you, your company, or your reputation. Many businesses make the mistake of making their website about themselves, mentioning their years in business or services offered. The website should focus on the customer and their specific wants and needs, making them the hero.

Issue 3: Lack of clarity in the visitor’s next step

To convert a visitor into a lead, guide them along a clear path with a clear next step. This step should directly address their problem. The important thing is to understand the visitor's needs and provide a solution that solves their immediate problem.

Issue 4: The website is attempting to multitask

According to a saying attributed to Confucius, "A man who chases two rabbits catches none."

Your website should focus on one main action for visitors to take and avoid overwhelming them with multiple requests. In a study mentioned in the book The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz, free samples of jam were offered at a grocery store. In the first sample, there were four types of jam available, and 22% of samplers made a purchase. In the second sample, there were 12 types of jam available, and only 8% of samplers made a purchase. When faced with too many choices, people tend to choose not to make a decision.

Issue 5: The benefit is unclear

There is an old marketing saying that states, "People don’t want to buy drills. They want to buy quarter inch holes."

Your product or service can be seen as an obstacle to what your visitor truly desires. They are not interested in construction services, but rather in having a new building. Similarly, they are not seeking a financial advisor, but rather the peace of mind that comes with knowing their money is secure.

If visitors to your website are not converting into leads, it may indicate that the benefits they would receive from your offerings are not clearly communicated.

Issue 6: Your offer is not strong or compelling

Have you ever encountered an old friend and suggested hanging out sometime? But then, nothing happens, right? That's because the statement "we should hang out sometime" lacks strength and persuasiveness.

When you see a friend you haven't seen in a while, you could say, "I'm glad I ran into you. I have an extra ticket to the Giants' weekend baseball match. Do you want to join me?" This might not always work if the person has plans or doesn't like baseball. However, offering a strong and compelling invitation like this will increase the chances of hanging out with your friend compared to a weak and vague offer like "let's hang out sometime."

Are you making the same mistake with your website? Is there a clear and strong benefit-driven offer on your site?

Photo Source: Freepik

Issue 7: The visitor has doubts about your trustworthiness

You may have a good offer, but you're not getting leads from your website. Why? Visitors may not trust you. They might think the offer is too good to be true, like a scam. Or maybe your website doesn't seem professional or authoritative enough to make your offer credible. Poor design creates mistrust in visitors. A professionally designed website can instantly make your business and offer more credible, increasing visitor conversions into leads.

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Issue 8: You do not have a secondary offer

Only 20% of visitors are ready to buy right away. The other 80% won't respond to your main offer, which is usually a call to action. That's why it's important to have a secondary offer. You've probably seen these before, like signing up for an email newsletter or getting a free download. These secondary offers provide value to visitors who are still gathering information. In return, you can stay in touch with them and build a relationship over time.

You may have noticed a contradiction in the paragraph above. I mentioned that one mistake is asking a visitor to do more than one thing at a time, but now I'm saying that marketing can have competing interests that don't always align. That's just the reality of marketing. Sometimes, there are conflicting priorities that can't be perfectly resolved.

The key is to prioritize the primary offer. It should be the first offer the visitor sees and the most compelling one. The secondary offer should be placed towards the footer of your site, so the visitor still notices it but it doesn't overshadow the main offer.

Issue 9: The visitor doesn’t understand the process

P.T. Barnum once stated, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

People are often occupied and may not always have the time or opportunity to fully grasp certain things.

To ensure clarity, it is important to outline the process of what you do in a straightforward and detailed manner.

Doctors often explain the steps of a procedure to reassure patients and minimize stress during the process.

You should clearly outline the process on your website. This includes detailing each step, starting with the first and ending with the last. It is important to avoid leaving any doubt in the mind of your visitor. As Patrick Swayze's character states in the movie Point Break, fear leads to hesitation and hesitation can make your worst fears a reality.


If your website is not generating leads, go through the checklist to identify areas for improvement. If you need professional assistance with your website project, contact us. We specialize in building websites that convert visitors into leads and drive new business for clients, not just creating visually appealing designs.

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