Asking for Testimonials: The Right Way to Approach Clients

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Best Practices When Asking for Testimonials

Testimonials are like gold for any business. They build trust, showcase your work, and can tip the scales in your favor when potential clients decide whether to hire you, making client testimonials and online reviews powerful marketing tools.

There’s proof it works, too. In fact, testimonials can increase conversion rates by up to 34%.

However, asking for testimonials can feel awkward. And we get it! You may worry about imposing or making your client feel uncomfortable. But the truth is, your best clients are usually more than happy to share their experiences. The key is, simply, knowing how to ask.

In this article, we’ll outline the right way to ask for testimonials and provide strategies that make the process simple and effective.

Understanding Testimonials

Testimonials are a crucial aspect of any business, as they provide social proof and help build trust with potential customers. They act as endorsements from satisfied customers, showcasing your credibility and reliability. 

Good testimonial requests can significantly increase the likelihood of receiving valuable feedback. Crafting personalized testimonial request letters can help in soliciting detailed and positive feedback from clients.

What is a Testimonial?

A testimonial is a statement or recommendation from a satisfied customer that describes their positive experience with a product, service, or brand. It gives you a psychological edge in landing that next sale. These endorsements can be incredibly powerful, as they offer potential customers a glimpse into the real-world benefits of your offerings. 

Testimonials can be written or video-based and are often used by businesses to showcase their credibility and build trust with potential customers. When potential customers see genuine, positive feedback from others, it helps to alleviate any doubts and encourages them to take the next step.

Types of Testimonials: Written or Video

There are two primary types of testimonials: written and video testimonials. Written testimonials are typically short statements or paragraphs that describe a customer’s experience with a product or service. They are easy to collect and can be displayed on your website, social media, or marketing materials. 

Video testimonials, on the other hand, are more engaging and provide a personal touch, allowing customers to share their experiences more dynamically. Video testimonials can capture the emotion and enthusiasm of your satisfied customers, making them a powerful tool for building trust and credibility. 

Why Testimonials Matter

Customer testimonials are powerful tools that act as social proof. They show that others have trusted you and walked away happy. This kind of real-world feedback speaks louder than any marketing message you could craft and helps generate leads. When people see glowing testimonials, it helps ease their doubts and builds a bridge of trust. 

It’s like having your best clients vouch for you right when you need it most. 

In addition to testimonials, online reviews also play a crucial role in establishing trust and credibility among potential customers.

Plus, there’s a hidden bonus: testimonials can help boost your SEO. Search engines love fresh, unique content, and every testimonial adds valuable material to your site. Beyond that, they showcase your reliability and expertise, showing that you’re a trustworthy option.

Real feedback from real clients gives a peek into what working with you is really like.

Preparing for a Testimonial Request

Before you ask for a testimonial, it’s crucial to prepare and consider several factors to increase the chances of getting a positive response.

Timing is Everything

Timing is crucial when you ask for a testimonial. The best moment to make your request is when the client has experienced success with your product or service. This could be right after a project is completed, a milestone is achieved, or a specific goal is met. 

Asking for a testimonial too early (or too late) can result in a lower response rate or a less enthusiastic testimonial. By catching your client at a high point, you’re more likely to receive a glowing review that reflects their satisfaction.

Determine the Best Method for Your Business

Different businesses have different needs and preferences when it comes to requesting testimonials. Consider your business’s needs and choose the best method for requesting testimonials. Email, text message, interview, in-person, and social media are all viable options.

Choose the method that best fits your business’s communication style and client relationships. For instance, a tech-savvy client might prefer a quick text message, while a more traditional client might appreciate a formal email or an in-person request.

When Is the Right Time to Ask for a Testimonial?

Timing is key when it comes to making testimonial requests. The best moment to make your request is when your client is happiest. This could be right after you’ve wrapped up a project successfully, hit a major milestone, or received some positive feedback. When the experience is still fresh in their minds and emotions are high, clients are more likely to give you glowing reviews.

Recognizing signs of satisfaction can also guide you on when to ask. A thank you email, a mention of how pleased they are in a meeting, or even an offhand compliment are all cues that the client is in a good place.

On the flip side, there are times you definitely want to avoid making the ask – like during a stressful project phase or when things aren’t going as planned. The last thing you want is to come across as tone-deaf or pushy.

How to Frame the Testimonial Request

Asking for a testimonial can feel tricky, but a well-crafted approach makes all the difference. Personalizing your request based on your relationship with the client is key. Crafting effective testimonial request letters can make the process smoother and more successful.

Consider using a testimonial request email to make the process more efficient and ensure you hit the right notes.

Whether it’s an email, phone call, or in-person conversation, tailor your method to what suits the client best. A long-term client might appreciate a direct phone call, while a newer client might feel more comfortable with an email.

Step-by-Step: How to Ask for a Testimonial

  1. Personalize Your Approach: 

Personalize your testimonial requests based on your relationship with the client. Think about how you typically communicate with the client. If you usually email, start there. If you have a close relationship, a phone call or in-person ask might be better.

  1. Craft Your Message: 

Be clear and polite. Let the client know how much you’ve enjoyed working with them and why you value their feedback. For example:

“We really enjoyed working on your project and would love to hear your thoughts on our services.”

“Your feedback means a lot to us. Would you be willing to share a short testimonial about your experience?”

  1. Use Testimonial Request Email Templates as a Guide: 

Have a few testimonial request email templates ready that you can tweak for each client. This helps streamline the process and ensures you hit the right notes. For instance:

  • “Dear [Client Name], We hope you’re doing well! We were wondering if you could take a few moments to share your experience working with us. Your feedback helps us improve and lets others know what to expect.”
  1. Keep It Low Pressure: 

Make sure to let them know there’s no obligation. This keeps the request friendly and respectful.

  • “If you have the time, we’d greatly appreciate it, but no worries if you’re too busy right now.”
  1. Follow Up Politely: 

If you don’t hear back, it’s okay to send a gentle reminder. A simple, “Just wanted to follow up on my previous email…” can do the trick.

When requesting, keep these guiding principles in mind:

  • Personalization is Key: Customize your approach based on your relationship with the client.
  • Polite Phrasing: Use friendly, clear language to make your request feel natural.
  • Templates for Efficiency: Prepare templates that you can adjust for each client to save time.
  • Respect Their Time: Keep the request low-pressure to maintain a positive rapport.

Providing Guidance and Making It Easy for Video Testimonials

Make it as simple as possible. The easier it is, the more likely they are to follow through.

Offer guidance in the form of specific questions or prompts. This helps them focus on what to say and ensures you get useful, detailed feedback. Instead of asking for a general testimonial, try prompting with questions like, “What did you enjoy most about working with us?” or “How did our services meet your needs?”

Be flexible with the format. Not everyone enjoys writing, so consider offering options for video testimonials or audio testimonials. Some clients may find it easier and more personal to speak about their experience rather than writing it down. This variety also adds richness to your collection of testimonials.

To make the process even more straightforward, provide a form or link where clients can submit their testimonials directly, making it easier to collect testimonials. This saves them time and reduces the effort needed to get their feedback to you.

Expressing Gratitude and Offering Incentives

Remember what your parents taught you. A simple thank you can go a long way in maintaining a positive relationship and encouraging positive testimonials. Depending on your relationship with the client, you might consider sending a handwritten note or a small gift as a token of appreciation.

It doesn’t have to be elaborate. A thank you email with a sincere message can also make a great impression. In addition to testimonials, online reviews can also significantly impact your business's reputation and credibility.

In some cases, offering a subtle incentive can encourage clients to provide a testimonial. This could be a discount on future services, a free upgrade, or even featuring their business on your website or social media. However, you must not make the exchange feel transactional. The goal is to express gratitude, not make them feel like they’re being paid for a review. Always make it clear there’s no obligation.

  • Show Appreciation: Thank clients personally, whether through a handwritten note, small gift, or heartfelt email.
  • Offer Incentives: Consider offering subtle incentives like discounts or a feature on your site, but keep it light and optional.
  • Avoid Pressure: Make it clear there’s no obligation to provide a testimonial. Make your clients feel at ease.

Methods for Requesting Testimonials

While email is a popular method for requesting testimonials, it’s not the only option. Consider using alternative methods such as text message, interview, in-person, and social media to request testimonials. 

These methods can be more personal and engaging, and can result in more enthusiastic and detailed testimonials. A text message can be a quick and convenient way to ask for feedback, while an in-person request can add a personal touch. Social media platforms also offer a great way to engage with clients and request testimonials in a more public and interactive setting.

Testimonial Request Templates

Using a testimonial request template can help streamline the process and ensure that you’re asking for the right information. Here are some examples of testimonial request templates:

Email Templates: Professional, Casual, and Post-Sale

Email templates can be used to request testimonials in a professional, casual, or post-sale manner. A professional email template is best used for formal business relationships, while a casual email template is best used for more relaxed relationships. A post-sale email template is best used after a project is completed or a product is purchased.

Professional Email Template:

Subject: Request for Testimonial

Dear [Client],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a testimonial from you regarding your experience with our company.

Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to share your thoughts.

Please reply to this email with your testimonial, and we will be happy to use it on our website and marketing materials.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Casual Email Template:

Subject: Can You Help Us Out?

Hi [Client],

Hope you’re doing well! We’re looking for some feedback from our satisfied clients, and we thought of you.

Could you spare a few minutes to write a testimonial about your experience with us?

We’d really appreciate it, and we’ll make sure to use it on our website and marketing materials.

Thanks in advance!


[Your Name]

Post-Sale Email Template:

Subject: Thanks for Your Business!

Dear [Client],

We hope you’re enjoying your [product/service]! We wanted to follow up and see how everything is going.

We’d love to hear about your experience with us and use your feedback to improve our services.

Could you please take a few minutes to write a testimonial about your experience?

We’ll be happy to use it on our website and marketing materials.

Thanks again for your business!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

These templates can be customized to fit your business’s needs and style. Remember to always keep the request clear, concise, and respectful, and to provide a clear call-to-action and deadline for response. By using these templates, you can streamline the process of requesting testimonials and ensure you’re gathering valuable feedback from your clients.

Don’t Forget the Underrated Power of Client Testimonials

Testimonials are more than just nice words; a client testimonial is a bridge between you and your future clients. They tell the story of your brand through the voices of those you’ve helped. Taking the time to ask for and showcase these testimonials can deepen trust and set you apart in a crowded market. In addition to client testimonials, online reviews can also play a significant role in building trust and credibility.

Remember, it’s not just about what you say. It’s about what others say about you.

Dog and Rooster, Your Marketing Partner

Use the strategies we’ve discussed to connect with your clients and let their words elevate your brand on a dedicated testimonial page. Testimonials are a subtle yet effective way to showcase your expertise and build trust with new customers. We can assist you in crafting effective testimonial requests to gather valuable feedback from your clients.

At Dog and Rooster, we know the impact that authentic client feedback can have. If you’re looking for more ways to improve your online presence and connect with your audience, we’re here. Let’s create something amazing together. Reach out to us today!

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